:::~Turquise 'dress,' garage sale {.50} ~Fishnets, mother {??} layered over ~gray nylons, mother {??} ~fav. pumps, thrifted {$1}
I had so much fun wearing this outfit today. I watched transformers 2 with my 2 bestest friends and it was a fantastic movie. I hated the end but the rest was funny and had super intense special effects!!
:::~Flower dress, mother’s that I pinned up {free} ~
It’s the second to last day of school, and it rained. It doesn’t look like it now because it cleared up but from 8A.M. to 5P.M. the sky was all dreary and grey, but now it is beautiful!
:::~Wooden necklace, Claire’s {.50} ~Pearl necklace, made {nothing} ~Vest, found in our dress-up box as a kid {nothing} ~Flowered dress, thrift store {*$3}~Gold ribbon belt, church giveaway {free}
:::~inside-out beanie {gift from relative} ~Tie, church giveaway {free} ~Vest, thrift store ~maroon swishy top, Old Navy {*$2}~Khaki shorts, Old Navy find from garage sale {*$1}
This is the dress I made from a thrift store find. I only cut off the bottom and still need to hem it but I felt so beautifully simple. I also saw almost the exact dress in a TeenVogue issue that Emma Roberts wore. I love it.
:::~Purple velvet dress, thrift store {$2} ~Polka-dot bag, Wal-mart {gift from g-ma} ~Gold peep-toes, Church giveaway {free}