Once upon a time, I went thrifting for the first time in the year. We went to Consign Divine and found THIS ammmaaaaazing couch! I am pretty sure I'd be the coolest kid on the block with this couch!!

Plus I found THIS amazing shirt that I wanted to wear as a dress. The beading was just so grand and the shirt moved so well. I ended up not buying it though for I got a coat in replacement... I miss you so great shirt!!

Yes, I wore my tank top backwards. Well, it's 'cause I felt like it, okay? but I probably won't do it again. My family thought it was weird. I just liked the strange architecture at the neck. I supposed it could be better if the top was made to be worn with strange architecture in the front, instead of making it myself. Well, I enjoyed myself in it so :P *raspberry*

This bracelet my sis found on the ground. If it's yours, oops, I'll give it back because it's really awesome, but hey, you dropped it!

Blouse: 2nd hand. Tie-dye Tank: Old Navy. Shorts: Thrifted. Belt: Thrifted. Tights: Target. Faux Socks: Bottoms of child's leggings. Boots: Ross. Wooden Ring: Downtown Corvallis.