My family gave me a New Year's resolution: Get 50 followers and 30(?) comments on your blog. Now this is something I can't control. I can try and market myself all I want but there is nothing else I can do, except ask you that if you see this then follow me :D. I will be tremendously pleased if you did :) My may goal is to have 30... Well, if you have a yahoo, g-mail, or ...something else account, then I advise you to follow me. The only catch is that nothing happens. You don't get e-mail updates or anything, it only lets me know what market I am dressing to. HA! That's funny. I think... Well, as Cap'n I command you to follow me.
Whatever, you can do whatever you want. Just follow me.

Harassing is not over, YOU will follow me, you get this far? you will follow.

Gosh, sorry for my obnoxiousness. Here's a spinny dance, for my skirt moves.

Button Sweater: Gift. Grey lace tank: Grandma. Army Green skirt: Thrifted. Boots: Ross.
LOOOVEE the sweater!!! :]
ReplyDeletelove this one. ps no one follows by blog either. lots of readers, like 7 followers :( what the deal?! i follow all the blogs i read!